Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hello Everyone! I hope you all are staying dry in this crazy weather. I am laying in my bed and listening to rain. It's quiet, calm, and comfortable in my room. I am alone with my thoughts. Sometimes, that is a good thing, I guess? I realized I had not blogged in quite a long time so I threw this post together.

Not to say that I had not written posts the past 2 weeks or so... I deleted (at last count) 8. They just lacked sensibility. They were all a jumbled mess of randomness and then I thought to myself, "My brain has been that way a lot lately." Makes sense to me.

So, I decided while Christmas shopping today, to write about my true feelings about Christmas and why a girl who once LOVED (I mean Crazy Target Lady) this "Most Wonderful Time of the Year." Now, kind of.. okay.. dreads it.

Tomorrow, 9 years ago tomorrow I lost my best friend. My Grandmother who lived with me from age 5 to 21. She did everything for me and gave me the best advice. I am telling you in all honesty that there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about and miss her so much my stomach flips. She was strong, even though she was physically frail, she was kind, she was hilarious (I know, I am funny but she took the cake), and was my rock. If I ever had a problem, she was there to fix it or make the hard choices easier. December 10, 2003 was a blur and that is probably a very good thing. It was also Christmas time. With that said, we had every single holiday at my Parent's house. Now, it's just us and while that is wonderful, I miss that era of my life where we had so much fun, and woke up to find her with her cup of coffee and exhausted grin on her face as we tore through our gifts.  I have some unresolved issues with some recent life changes and how she would have thought I handled certain things but I can only hope she is proud, shaking her head, and saying "Meredith Craig, you worry too much pretty girl."

I also get the "what ifs" really bad this time of year. I think whenever the year is about to end you take a  reevalutative (yes, I created a word, Mr. Webster) stance about your life and I am sort of falling into that  a little bit. I have had some down right shittastic Christmas' in my past. My personal favorite involves 25 mins in a church parking lot to exchange gifts. Then, returning said Tiffany Bracelet to find out it had been re-gifted. Winning. ;) Plus, running into your ex's baby momma at the Mall isn't too fun, either. (Yes, I said it. It actually happened and No, I did not do anything stupid.) ;)

Here's the deal. What's past is past. Gotta put it behind me and say "Done. On to bigger and better." I realize that a. My Grandma would be cursing my negative attitude under her breath or wanting to smack the taste out of my mouth. b. Is a combination of a. and the fact that WHO CARES? c. Live for today. I re-read this post and I hated it's tone. I mean, who am I kidding? If that is the worst things about the holidays I need to smack myself around and get it together. So, in the spirit of all that is Meredith. I made a list (For real. Instagram proof below) of what I like  okay, love about Christmas.

1.Shopping. I mean, really? I have an excuse to shop all day, any day, multiple days.
2. Sparkly clothes.
3. Real Christmas Trees. I like their smell.
4. Babies. I love babies about 6-9 months old at Christmas time. I think it's the fact they look like mini-Santas.
5. People's Christmas tree photo posts on FB. I like seeing the variety and traditions.
6. Old traditions (baby cokes in our family)
7. New traditions :)
8. Shopping for a man. Shopping for a man I love.
9. Thinking about when I have my own house what it will look like. Pottery Barn will not be able to keep it's stock up to date.
10. Baking

and who can forget Smiling! It's my favorite. :)

That wasn't so hard. So, I am going to be less of a Grinch as of 8:30 pm on 12-9-12. Hold me to it.

Have a good week. Teachers, Winter Break is 8 schools days away!!!!!!!!!


Friday, November 23, 2012

High 5 for Friday! Thankful Edition

I have been trying my darndest to keep up with my High 5 for Friday posts and I told myself I would NOT forget the day after Thanksgiving! I mean, come on, it's the most Thankful week of the year. Although I try to count my blessings everyday, this year I can safely say that I am very blessed, indeed. Here is my Top 5.

1. 5 DAYS OFF OF SCHOOL. I mean, love my career and kids, but sister needed some "alone time".

2. My cousin Lauren. I got to spend some well needed cousin bonding time with her this weekend. Complete with a mall trip, mani/pedis, and a dinner that was full of laughter and advice. I cannot believe she is asking me about boys and college stuff. I want this back (see pic below) but I am very proud of the woman she is becoming.

3. Starbucks red cups. They are just so darn cute.

4. Sparkle in my clothes. Although my Mom is the "Queen of Bling, " I am loving Ann Taylor Loft's Holiday collection. My wallet.. Not so much.

5. Spending my Thanksgiving with my sweet guy, his family, my family. Perfection. :)

I hope you all had a wonderful week and holiday full of good food, stories, photos, and fun!


Monday, November 19, 2012

So Much to Say..

I had wrote out a couple of posts this week and with as insanely busy as I have been, I deleted all of them because not one post was worth reading or publishing. I think it is funny because as hard as it has been to produce a decent blog post, I sure have had a lot on my mind to talk about these days.

I can safely say that I am officially proud of myself for a few reasons. (in no particular order)

1. I am "officially" on break with photography. As far as a zillion sessions every weekend goes. I was starting to get burnt out and with as much as I love my camera, sweet babies, and my clients. Sister needs to breathe. I am thankful for a Photographer friend or two to take referrals for the winter while I focus on my 23 babies more than I normally do.. Which is a lot! Not to say that I will not do a random session here or there or take my friend-niece and nephew photos. ;)

2. I am glad to have a few coworkers that I have opened up to recently about life, love, and the insanity that is a first year Teacher. It is really important to have people you can go to when you feel yourself about to lose your ever-loving mind. I wouldn't say I have a ton of people I trust but a close few and they know who they are and they mean the world to me. I spent an hour after school last Friday opening up to a couple of Teachers and they were really great to me and it was just nice to be able to speak and reflect about how far I have come the past few years.

3. This one is the hardest for me to open up about and I probably won't say much about it because there are some things I just want to keep to myself but remember a few posts back about how I didn't think I had ever been in true love? Well, let's just say.. That has changed. I feel like a 17 year old. End of story.



Sunday, November 11, 2012

High 5 for Friday.. Two days later.

This week is brought to you by "cray". I now say this all the time, much to the dismay of my bf. LOL In all seriousness, I am just going to stop saying "I have been so busy" because my life is "50 shades of cray." (Meredith Trademark)

So, here are my Top 5 Favorite things of the week. In no particular order.

1. Very Jane. This site has amazing deals for great prices. I suggest looking at the shipping date because it can take a while to get your items. Once I get some stuff I ordered a few weeks ago. I can't wait!

2. Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate at Starbucks. LOOOOVE it.

3. Making plans. Enough said.

4. Feeling like a can of busted biscuits and my skinny jeans feeling too big. :)

5. Seeing everyone's 30 days of Thankful posts on Facebook and not knowing where to begin, myself. I have a lot to be thankful for these days. ;)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Flashback.. 2008

I tend to keep things to myself (believe it or not from someone who blogs). I was in my Parents kitchen talking politics with my Momma and I blurted this out... "This very night in 2008 I was experiencing the worst night of my life." She looked at me puzzled. "What do you mean?" I instantly got red faced and that little sinking feeling came over me. "Oh, nothing.. I was just coming home from Vegas and I was a mess..." To which I knew I had already said too much. I find myself saying more and more things about what I went through before and a lot of it I suppressed for fear of being judged. She looked at me and was like... "Spill it."

Picture it.. Las Vegas, 2008 (Golden Girls Style)..
I was on an Anniversary trip in a pathetic "last ditch" effort to win my (you insert favorite euphemism for him) love and affection back. I cried in a hot tub the night before in a Penthouse Suite in the Bellagio and drank a whole bottle of champagne. "How did I get here?" "What is going on?" "What did I do?" "Where do I go from here?" "How do I pretend that I am okay?" (cue sappy falling apart music). Fast forward to horrible plane ride home, fetal position crying, and lots of turbulence. Then, I also came home to find who I voted for did not win (sorry, those of you who know and love me, know who I voted for).

Four years later...
I woke up and had the day off from Teaching, a career I never would have gotten into if I was still in that previous state of mind, got dressed in clothes that fit me nicely because we all know what I used to look like, lol, voted, got a mani/pedi, look some photos (yeah started a business), and just did what I wanted to do... This all may seem trivial or overly dramatic but to this very day I cannot wrap my head around my past. I also think this is being accelerated by the fact that I have made a very difficult choice to surround myself with amazing people. I am being treated so incredibly well and made to feel special for the first time in my entire life, I have friends that are kind and fun, and my family.. Well, they have stood the test of time. It is funny because it almost seems like a bad Lifetime Movie when I think about it and as I recall that fateful night, I feel nothing but pride. Which, at the time, was the exact opposite of what I was thinking, feeling, and being subjected to in the moment.

The point of this post is that change is inevitable. Especially on the night of a major event like the Election of the President of the United States. I also want to stress that 4 years flies by.. bad or less than desirable times fly by, and there is no such thing as "the worst time of your life" lasting your whole life. I know several people who read this that need to hear that right now. Please know that whatever is hurting your heart, causing you grief, or breaking you down, will, indeed, pass. It can be 4 hrs, 4 days, 4 months, or 4 years, but it will pass. If..You will it to pass.

I am amazed at how different my life is and how I am forgetting more and more about all the B.S., drama, and hurt I was subjected to before I got a backbone. I say it a lot and especially more so recently. I am starting to forget. Every once an a while, it will creep back in and settle for a little bit. I will get the "I am not good enough's" or "RUUUNNN away! You aren't deserving." thoughts but they are few and far between. You know, I almost welcome them now because it's an interesting fight and test. So far, I am winning.

So if you are a "NoBAMA" or "GoBAMA". Change is upon us but the sun will still rise tomorrow (Jason trademark). You just gotta keep moving and that is what I plan on doing.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gaining Perspective..

Ya'll know me. I am a Pinterest junkie and it should come as no surprise I came across this little quote pinning away. It seriously spoke to me. I find myself trying more and more to remain and stay as positive as possible, this is not always an easy task. But.. is it really so tough? I started to think about my conversations with my friends and family and how I have had a lot of great things to chat about and how before, it was always about the "stress" or "life's little annoyances."

Now, don't get me wrong. Girls gotta vent every once and a while but oh, how I wish we spoke about the joys in life more often. I also started thinking about how very lucky I am to have a few close friends who actually call me to see how I am and are happy, excited, and genuinely want to hear about the goods things happening in my world. I hope they know I feel the same way for them and I almost feel giddy when they tell me good things.

Support is important. Not only given but received. I wish more people thought that way and it reminds me of a conversation my father and I had not too long ago about "the less friends you have, the better off you are.." I wanted to instantly disagree! "Dad, how can you say this to a girl who has 37 bffs?!" Then.. slowly.. the gears started turning. "Friends" is a relative term. I am all about quality, not quantity these days.

In other news...  Brace your little selves.. I am almost afraid to type this.. but.. I am seriously in such a wonderful state of mind and place right now that I KNOW talking about the good stuff will not be too difficult for me. Am I stressed out of my mind with work, photography, love, life, family, friends, fitness, etc, etc? You bet your sweet potato I am but all of a sudden.. things seem.. calm in the midst of crazytown. I think focusing on what I can control, what is good, and looking forward to the outcomes, is keeping me grounded.

This post, like much of my posts recently, probably seems like it is on meth but you know me, I gotta write it out to process it all. I hope your week is full of joys to share and good, good, stuff.


Friday, October 26, 2012

High 5 for Friday!

I have been a total slacker in my Top 5 Friday posts! I am super sorry. Here is my top 5 favorite things of the week.

1. Boot socks! I loooove these and I got so many compliments. I loved the gray ones so much I am anxiously awaiting the tan ones I had to order right after I got my first order!

You can get these at.... 

2. KTIP is killing me. For those of you who do not cringe or have a shot for me when hearing this, KTIP is a first year teacher program where you have to do a bunch of paperwork, be observed 9 times, and do extra work. It's... in the words of my students "Cray, Cray"= Crazy. Cycle 1 is over! 1 down, 2 more to go! :)

3. All of my classroom anoles found homes! I also did not have to touch any of them in the whole 7 weeks I took care of them! I will miss them, though. :)

4. Sushi with my brother and cousin. I have not laughed so hard in such a long time. I seriously have the best family.

5. I have officially become one of "those" girls. I am very happy and thankful to have someone in my life who is pretty darn awesome. Good, good, week.

I hope you all have a great weekend and stay warm! :)


Sunday, October 21, 2012

I seriously love Fall. I love everything about it and I am lucky to live in a place where you can see it, feel it, taste it, and just live it for it's short time. The summers here are usually hotter than hot and humid to the max. By the time mid to late October gets here, I have already been sweating my butt off from refusing to wear any summer clothes after Labor Day. lol To me, there is something comforting about this time of year. It is like a hug you never want to break (which coming from me, is rare. I am NOT a hugger unless you are under age 10).

I have been going non-stop since.. well.. as long as I can remember. I am really struggling with balancing it all. Life, fun, responsibility, passion, drive, family, friends, you name it. I hate, and I mean hate, disappointing people. I feel like I have been doing that a lot lately and it's time to stop and re-evaluate some things in my life. I am sick of saying "I am going to do this.." or my personal favorite these days.. "I need to do that.." I just feel like I am falling and haven't hit the pavement..yet.

I am so exhausted and it's a really strange feeling for me. I am used to being "on the go" and "busy". I am also used to just working and that's all I have to worry about in my spare time. I have been having a lot of fun lately. Okay.. God, I said it. I am actually happy with all the great stuff I have in my life these days from professional to personal. I just don't want to fall on my face in either area. Problem is.. If I keep this pace up I inevitable will fall. Splat. Something has got to give, peeps. As much as it pains me to keep saying this.. I need my weekends. Photography is going to taper off soon.

That camera saved me. More than any of you will ever know. I was used to feeling (because of being told) that I wasn't really worth a whole lot, my thoughts and feelings never mattered, and I never had or got to make a lot of choices for a large part of my life. Truth is, I have hit the ground before but in true Mooney fashion.. We hit the ground running. You cannot keep Joe and Jayne's girl down... for long, anyway.

I am feeling very melancholy these days. This time of year has always been my favorite but I am coming up on 2 very hard anniversaries. I will say that the facts that each year gets a little easier, I grow a lot, and I am surrounding myself with amazing people is a plus. (Staying Positive Penny) No sulking around here. Fall and falling can be okay. I am falling into a good place and into good people.


Friday, October 5, 2012

High 5 for Friday!

I am off work today!!! It has already been a wonderful day! Here is my Top 5 loves of the week, in no particular order. :)

1.  Drinking out of my Chicago Bears cup and my student looks at me and says... "My cousin plays for them." I totally knew where that was going and offered him a homework pass for life if he could get my wwdd? shirt signed for me. :) I kid.. I kid.. maybe?

2. We had a potluck at work and my brownie triffle was amazeballs. #callmemartha

3. Watching drunk people sing karaoke is probably the greatest "pick me up" in the history of mankind.

4. My new Michael Kors shoes. I die. Be jealous.

5. Catching up with old friends and realizing our lives are getting to near perfect places. @JHK.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Not Going Back...

Yes, even I get scared. I feel like I put out this tough and rough girl exterior to those around me so that they do not worry or think they have to help me through whatever it is I am struggling with in the moment. I feel like I have worked so hard (I cannot even put it into words) to just move forward. Two long years have felt more like ten in many ways. I am at a strange point in my life as the "transition" is coming to a head.

The "For Sale" sign is coming this week. Thank GOD! I cannot begin to tell you how extremely ready I am to be rid and I mean RID of that house. I am ready to close the chapter for good and really move on. As much as I am ready for this, I cannot lie and say it is a clean break. I have been thinking a lot about the "civility" that has been going on between myself and the "other party". I cannot even wrap my mind around it because... truth be told... I am still kinda pissed off. I don't like confrontation, I don't want to argue, fight, yell, but I never, ever, did. I never had that opportunity to just break down.

I feel like I do this a lot. I don't want to rock the boat. I just keep it in and you know what? Surprisingly.. *sigh* I just don't care. I am exhausted with it all. Emotionally exhausted. So, I just move forward. Every part of me is just ready to break away and collect what's left of my pride and credit and start over.. again. Yes, I am scared but judging on how well I have done so far, I am keeping the faith. ;)

I am just ready? You know? In every sense of the word. I am ready to reap the benefits of my hard work. I can feel it coming and I am welcoming it and not looking back. :)

This post is sponsored by disheveled and jumbled. Goodnight! 


Friday, September 28, 2012

High 5 for Friday!!

Hello there, kids. Before I head out for the evening, I thought I would give you my Top 5 for the week...

1. The "Cycles of the Moon" ap on my phone. It was a "Dear Lord Baby Jesus" kind of week with my little love muffin 4th graders.. Needless to say a Full Moon is upon us. Explains EVERYTHING!

2. "Power Clutch" by Essie. It's Fall. :)

3. Boots and leggins. Again, it's Fall.

4. My new hair. Thank you Kelsea!!!

5. The fact that all of my kids told me I looked like a Rockstar today. Winning! :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Being a "Positive Penny"


Consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence.
A good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute: "translate your weakness into positives".
certain - sure - absolute - affirmative

The definition of positive is something that I have learned (more so recently) to engrain in my brain. In the past, I could let myself get bogged down in the negative aspects in what was going on in my life. I think I thought that I was striving for a better version of my life but instead of fixing it, I just continued to stay a schleprock. Until... I realized a few things in my old age. ;)

1. Success is very attractive.
2. I am enough.
3. If I can influence 1 or 23 children this school year, I have done my job.
4. I am enough.
5. Happiness makes you shine. Literally. Shine.
6. I am enough.
7. If it's broke, fix it. If it's not, leave it alone. (Thanks Momma)
8. I am enough.
9. At the end of the day, count my blessings.
10. I am enough.
11. Only surround or concern yourself with people who you build up and build you up in a beautiful way.
12. I am enough.

With that said. I have found myself the past.. oh... say... 3 weeks, getting bogged down in other people's issues, stress, expectations for and of me, and attitudes. I started to feel inadequate, not enough, and run down. All of which are 3 charactaristics that do not encompass Meredith Craig Mooney. I am anything but a Negative Nelly. This sister is a Positive Penny (knocking 3 times for you Big Bang fans) Besides, Penny is hot. ;)

How do you keep positive? What energizes you and makes you rise above it all? I would love to know.

I hope you all are doing well. I start KTIP Cycle 1 tomorrow. As hard, stressful, and time consuming it is... I AM looking at the positives and will allow it to make me learn and grow into a better teacher.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Not taking it home...

I have been teaching for 20 days. I find it slightly hilarious that I still get a strange feeling inside when I hear "Ms. Mooney." Even if it's 432 times a day (the average). I really feel like I am doing all the things that new Teachers do... You know, sit in my room for 10 or so minutes after the end of the day and wonder if you have ruined the children? Or compare myself to others and feel like a miserable failure. Yes, it is riveting. I am a stream of constant over-thinking but it is what we do in this Profession. We are thinkers, researchers, nurturers, and life long learners. It comes with the territory.

I have had some pretty intense conversations this week with some of my favorite people about the good, the bad, and the ugly in my life these days. I have so much to be excited about and thankful for and there is really only 1 or 2 areas in my life that need to be "dealt" with appropriately. The issue comes into play of when the hell am I going to take care of such items? I am working my behind off and between Teaching and Photos, life is passing me by at a rate I cannot even comprehend. My Dad told me something recently that made me think. He spoke about my tenaciousness and "never quit" attitude. He said he was just in awe of me and what I am doing in my life. It is nice to hear those things and not leave much for your Parents to worry about.. Until he said, "You need to start having more fun."

Fun? Fun is a relative term. I am a fun girl. Just ask my friends. Wait.. I haven't seen or hung out with a lot of my friends in a few weeks. The 13 hour work days followed by 3-4 hours of work at home are going to catch up to me so I set some boundaries this week. I decided to leave after the bell 2 whole days this week! :) (I may or may not have left at 7:30 tonight) but still... It's progress!! I am "not taking it home" any longer. I love my students like they were my own but at the end of the day, they go home, and now so will I, without a fight.

I feel a shift in me coming and I know I have spoke about this before but I really do have this feeling something is about to change. I can't put my finger on it but I think I am about to find some well deserved and long awaited security. It really couldn't come at a better time in my life as I start the process of going back out on my own.  Sitting at drinks with my lovely BFF, Jamie. I told her that it was funny how we were both blissfully happy in two completely different areas of our lives and how I almost wished we could gel my Professional blessings and her Personal into one superhumanamazeballslady.

Okay, I am off to not think about school. Psh. Right. ;)

Have a wonderful day, week, whatever.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I have wrote, deleted, re-wrote, deleted, shut off my laptop, opened it, and wrote again. This is all I can come up with tonight.

 Random thoughts in my head...

1. I need to buy stock in 5 Hour Energy.
2. How do you say one thing to me and do the other?
3. I really need to finish the rest of these Science Plans.
4. I can't remember the last time I went on a long run...
5. I wonder if I should wear pants or a dress tomorrow to work?
6. Followed by... Should I curl or straighten my hair.
7. I need to get Claire her shots.
8. I am feeling lonely.
9. I miss certain people.
10. I need to get my eyebrows waxed.
11. I need to double check my weekend photo schedule.
12. I love the Senior Pics I am editing.
13. Am I ever going to know what I am doing in my love life?
14. Am I ever going to know what I am doing? Period.
15. I need to call my realtor.
16. I wonder if I should rent a house or apartment?
17. I think I said too much about my past...
18. I am trying.
19. How is it humanly possible to have this much gunk in my sinus'?
20. How does a Blind Woman win Masterchef?
21. Oh! I need to get my nails done.
22. I want to go to a pumpkin patch.
23. I need to buy crickets for the anoles...

That's all I got tonight. lol Does anyone else's mind do this? If so, how do you shut it off?


Saturday, September 8, 2012

High 5 for Friday! A day late...

Hello Love Muffins! I had a crazy day yesterday between work, trying to leave school before 5:00, and rushing to get ready for dinner plans... I got home last night and I was exhausted! Here's my Top 5 for the week in no particular order.  :)

1. Bare Essentials Solid Foundation. Dear Lord, Baby Jesus, this stuff is amazeballs. I love the coverage, a little goes a long way, and the girl who sold it to me was so sweet and a complete doll!

2. My Professional life is booming at a rate where I cannot keep up! I work with some great people and I have some nice support. Can't beat that!

3. Gummy Vitamins. Enough said. Especially Vitamin C. OMG! I just want to breathe again! :(
4. Finally getting caught up on photos just in time for my September Sessions. :) Love my Baby Sloane, too!

5. Embracing my inner "Fear Factor" in MANY ways this week. Crickets, Anoles, Earthworms, and boys. "Cray" as my students say. :)

I hope your weekend is fantastical! xoxo-Mere

Monday, September 3, 2012

Something funny happened when I turned 30....

I am sitting here at my computer cracking up. In every sense of the phrase. I am thinking about where to begin this post and my mind is like a 5 year old with ADD and an extreme case of "shiny ball syndrome." I am having a hard time narrowing it down. I wrote a few things, deleted them, started over, and now here I go...

I am a pretty "traditional" girl. I like for men to initiate moves, conversations, etc. I think the past two months I have really been evaluating what I want and if I am or was truly ready to be in a relationship. Let's face it, I was single for the first time at 28 years old. Dating was about as foreign as it comes. "I don't want to be clingy." "I don't want to ask too many personal questions." "I don't want to pressure him." Finally, I didn't want to project any past relationship phobias or issues on the poor soul who would be in the line of fire.  I had a list a mile long of things I didn't want to be in my pseudo relationships. It was SO negative. So, in the spirit of all that is Meredith, I made a new list. Thank YOU, Mr. Pinterest for this gem because it SO sums up what I am looking and waiting for in whomever gets saddled with the amusement park of fun that is Meredith Craig.

Yeah, yeah. It's a little "cupcakes and rainbows" and true love is anything BUT that vision. I have realized something sad but at the same time pretty damn exciting. I have yet to be in real love with someone. The kind of love that drives you crazy, they write songs and movies about, and makes you believe in something you just can't put your finger on. Yes, I have been in a 17 year old version of that or infatuation but not that deep and intense love. I also realized. I am ready. I am willing. I am capable and MOST importantly. I deserve it. Which leads me to 30...

Ladies and Gentlemen.. Sister got balls when she turned 30. I am branching out, not holding back, initiating it, embracing it, throwing it to the curb if it sucks, and not paying it any more mind if it's in the past. I am excited for the journey and taking you all along for the wild (Oh, this I am certain) ride. 

Happy Labor Day Lovers.


Friday, August 31, 2012

High 5 for Friday!

Hello Lovers!

What a week! It has been some-what of a roller-coaster to say the least. I am ready to relax and enjoy my long weekend. :)

Here are my Top 5 Favs of the week.

1. Chili Flake Lipstick from JCrew. I wore it on my "Sparkly Dirty 30" birthday and it was the PERFECT red. I instagramed it because as everyone knows I am obsessed with Instagram and lipstick/glosses.

2. Speaking of my Birthday. My favorite photo from the night is... This one. I loved all the company, love, fun, and celebration of 30 trips around the sun. I cannot put into words how blessed and happy I am. I am in a good place.

3.My Dad's hyena laugh. Enough said. I had him on a roll doing my "Guys that want to marry his daughter" stand-up routine.. If you are wearing a chambray shirt, in a basement, drinking red wine.. Do NOT make that your online dating profile picture. Just sayin' and you're welcome.

4.Grading my students "First Day Jitters" worksheets and one student saying he wasn't afraid anymore because I am pretty and smell like Sunflowers. With that said.. I had my first "Defeated Feeling" moment as a new Teacher yesterday. I am over it and today was much better. Learning to let go of my Perfectionist attitude is tough and taking things one day at a time.

5. Being much more Spontaneous. I also like saying that word. Spontaneous..

Try and use it in a sentence today. Have a good weekend love muffins!


Friday, August 24, 2012

High 5 For Friday!

I am plain exhausted from this wonderful week. Here are my Top 5 Favs of the week.

1. 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL! As a Teacher. Enough said!

2. Going to bed for the first time in as long as I can remember at 8:15 Tuesday night and sleeping the whole night.

3. My new make-up from my Parents for my Birthday. Especially new lip gloss set. I love my Bare Essentials.

4. Getting ready in the morning and actually feeling nice again about leaving the house all nice and put together. It has been years since I have done that every, single day! 

5. Embracing 30.. While I have my moments of sadness mourning my youth wasting away, I am ready to take on this decade.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

30, Flirty, and Thriving...

Happy Birthday to me!!! :) I cannot believe I am 30 years old. I know it is getting old to hear me say this but my goodness!! Am I really THAT old??!! LOL

I felt sick today when I woke up. The idea that I am 30 years old just made me sick. I decided to take a shower and get ready for work (which is going amazing, BTW). In my shower, I started thinking about a few things... Reflecting on the decade of numbers I left behind and what possibly lies ahead of me. It hit me like a TON of bricks. My 20's weren't really all that great in all honesty. I did A LOT of growing, loving, hurting, sweating, running, work, etc. I was 60ish pounds heavier for most of my 20's, in a bad relationship/marriage, in jobs where I hated going to work (except teaching Preschool), and my life was completely derailed. I sat there with the hot water beating down on me and realized that I may not have a family of my own, or sweet babies of my own, and a house, but... I have a second chance.

I have done the work, gone through the hurt, and I am in SUCH a wonderful place. I almost hate to type or publish this in fear of jinxing myself. I have a healthier body, that although I may pick it apart every second of every day, it is a much better body than my 20 year old self, I started a photography business, and I am teaching. My whole world may be different but it is right where I need to be. Here's to at least 30 more years of good, good, stuff. I cannot wait to celebrate Saturday!!!!!

P.S. I could not find 1 photo from before 2 years ago that I haven't already posted. LOL

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Room!

So, I think I am finished and I am really excited with the end product. Here you go! :)

There you have it! Over 60 hours of work. I am so excited to start teaching tomorrow I can't even see straight. Life is good. :)

I decided to add something to the end of this. It is a letter to my students.

Dear Fantastic Fourth Graders,

It is the night before the 1st day of school and I am filed with such anxiousness and excitement to meet all of you and be your Teacher. I hope you all have a year full of growth, positive experiences, and you learn more than just the 5 subjects from me (and others). I want you all to grow into productive, powerful, intelligent, and fierce citizens who will go on to do so many wonderful things in this world. I want you all to know that my road to be your Teacher was full of struggles and hard work. From this, I want you to remember to never give up on your dreams, your work, your purpose, but most importantly... never give up on yourselves. Get ready to get to work tomorrow! We are hitting the ground running.

All the best,
Ms. Mooney