Friday, September 28, 2012

High 5 for Friday!!

Hello there, kids. Before I head out for the evening, I thought I would give you my Top 5 for the week...

1. The "Cycles of the Moon" ap on my phone. It was a "Dear Lord Baby Jesus" kind of week with my little love muffin 4th graders.. Needless to say a Full Moon is upon us. Explains EVERYTHING!

2. "Power Clutch" by Essie. It's Fall. :)

3. Boots and leggins. Again, it's Fall.

4. My new hair. Thank you Kelsea!!!

5. The fact that all of my kids told me I looked like a Rockstar today. Winning! :)


Sandy said...

I love your new hair-do! You are going to have to let me take your photos one of these days. You need some professional head shots don't ya? ;)

Meredith Morrison said...

Thank you!! I would LOVE that!! Enjoy your week and congratulations! You guys give me hope. :)

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