Monday, September 24, 2012

Being a "Positive Penny"


Consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence.
A good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute: "translate your weakness into positives".
certain - sure - absolute - affirmative

The definition of positive is something that I have learned (more so recently) to engrain in my brain. In the past, I could let myself get bogged down in the negative aspects in what was going on in my life. I think I thought that I was striving for a better version of my life but instead of fixing it, I just continued to stay a schleprock. Until... I realized a few things in my old age. ;)

1. Success is very attractive.
2. I am enough.
3. If I can influence 1 or 23 children this school year, I have done my job.
4. I am enough.
5. Happiness makes you shine. Literally. Shine.
6. I am enough.
7. If it's broke, fix it. If it's not, leave it alone. (Thanks Momma)
8. I am enough.
9. At the end of the day, count my blessings.
10. I am enough.
11. Only surround or concern yourself with people who you build up and build you up in a beautiful way.
12. I am enough.

With that said. I have found myself the past.. oh... say... 3 weeks, getting bogged down in other people's issues, stress, expectations for and of me, and attitudes. I started to feel inadequate, not enough, and run down. All of which are 3 charactaristics that do not encompass Meredith Craig Mooney. I am anything but a Negative Nelly. This sister is a Positive Penny (knocking 3 times for you Big Bang fans) Besides, Penny is hot. ;)

How do you keep positive? What energizes you and makes you rise above it all? I would love to know.

I hope you all are doing well. I start KTIP Cycle 1 tomorrow. As hard, stressful, and time consuming it is... I AM looking at the positives and will allow it to make me learn and grow into a better teacher.



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