Thursday, August 23, 2012

30, Flirty, and Thriving...

Happy Birthday to me!!! :) I cannot believe I am 30 years old. I know it is getting old to hear me say this but my goodness!! Am I really THAT old??!! LOL

I felt sick today when I woke up. The idea that I am 30 years old just made me sick. I decided to take a shower and get ready for work (which is going amazing, BTW). In my shower, I started thinking about a few things... Reflecting on the decade of numbers I left behind and what possibly lies ahead of me. It hit me like a TON of bricks. My 20's weren't really all that great in all honesty. I did A LOT of growing, loving, hurting, sweating, running, work, etc. I was 60ish pounds heavier for most of my 20's, in a bad relationship/marriage, in jobs where I hated going to work (except teaching Preschool), and my life was completely derailed. I sat there with the hot water beating down on me and realized that I may not have a family of my own, or sweet babies of my own, and a house, but... I have a second chance.

I have done the work, gone through the hurt, and I am in SUCH a wonderful place. I almost hate to type or publish this in fear of jinxing myself. I have a healthier body, that although I may pick it apart every second of every day, it is a much better body than my 20 year old self, I started a photography business, and I am teaching. My whole world may be different but it is right where I need to be. Here's to at least 30 more years of good, good, stuff. I cannot wait to celebrate Saturday!!!!!

P.S. I could not find 1 photo from before 2 years ago that I haven't already posted. LOL


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