Friday, August 31, 2012

High 5 for Friday!

Hello Lovers!

What a week! It has been some-what of a roller-coaster to say the least. I am ready to relax and enjoy my long weekend. :)

Here are my Top 5 Favs of the week.

1. Chili Flake Lipstick from JCrew. I wore it on my "Sparkly Dirty 30" birthday and it was the PERFECT red. I instagramed it because as everyone knows I am obsessed with Instagram and lipstick/glosses.

2. Speaking of my Birthday. My favorite photo from the night is... This one. I loved all the company, love, fun, and celebration of 30 trips around the sun. I cannot put into words how blessed and happy I am. I am in a good place.

3.My Dad's hyena laugh. Enough said. I had him on a roll doing my "Guys that want to marry his daughter" stand-up routine.. If you are wearing a chambray shirt, in a basement, drinking red wine.. Do NOT make that your online dating profile picture. Just sayin' and you're welcome.

4.Grading my students "First Day Jitters" worksheets and one student saying he wasn't afraid anymore because I am pretty and smell like Sunflowers. With that said.. I had my first "Defeated Feeling" moment as a new Teacher yesterday. I am over it and today was much better. Learning to let go of my Perfectionist attitude is tough and taking things one day at a time.

5. Being much more Spontaneous. I also like saying that word. Spontaneous..

Try and use it in a sentence today. Have a good weekend love muffins!



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