Friday, October 26, 2012

High 5 for Friday!

I have been a total slacker in my Top 5 Friday posts! I am super sorry. Here is my top 5 favorite things of the week.

1. Boot socks! I loooove these and I got so many compliments. I loved the gray ones so much I am anxiously awaiting the tan ones I had to order right after I got my first order!

You can get these at.... 

2. KTIP is killing me. For those of you who do not cringe or have a shot for me when hearing this, KTIP is a first year teacher program where you have to do a bunch of paperwork, be observed 9 times, and do extra work. It's... in the words of my students "Cray, Cray"= Crazy. Cycle 1 is over! 1 down, 2 more to go! :)

3. All of my classroom anoles found homes! I also did not have to touch any of them in the whole 7 weeks I took care of them! I will miss them, though. :)

4. Sushi with my brother and cousin. I have not laughed so hard in such a long time. I seriously have the best family.

5. I have officially become one of "those" girls. I am very happy and thankful to have someone in my life who is pretty darn awesome. Good, good, week.

I hope you all have a great weekend and stay warm! :)



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