Sunday, September 22, 2013

Coming Together...

Hello, Friends. It has been FAR too long since I last blogged but there have been some major changes in this girls life. I moved in with Jason into our house. Holy.Major.Life.Change.

I have to say, it hasn't gone perfectly but I am perfectly in love with the life we are building. In the words of my fav, Ms. Dolly Parton, "You gotta put up with the storm to get the rainbow." The main issue has been my dog but I am working on it and whatever happens or I decide to do, it will be in the best interest of my baby. I love her very much but she isn't doing so great with all these changes. So, if you could say a little prayer that some things change that would be mucho appreciated. That is all I am going to say about it because well, I said so.

The house is looking AMAZING! I am so excited every single day to see the changes shaping up and how different the house is looking. It's more than just paint on the walls, new furniture, and knick-knacks. It's the fact that there was a time in my life when all this seemed impossible. It seemed like everything I had ever wanted to imagined for myself was just not going to happen and I was prepared to take a different turn in my life. I have a garage door opener, I walk my dog in a beautiful neighborhood, I get to cook again, and the best part is.. I am not alone. As sappy as this all may sound, it is a HUGE adjustment for my mind. I am very lucky.

I am going to focus on the positives and not worry about anything else (famous last words). I have come so far and I have so much to look forward to and I will be posting some photos in my next post but here are a few...

Also, I am exactly 6 months away from getting married. My cousin reminded me of that tid bit today! I need to get it in gear! I am thinking that below is the color scheme and theme. Oy!

This is going to be a short post because sister is exhausted and I have a full week ahead with my kiddos tomorrow. Have a great week! 
