Thursday, May 23, 2013

High 5 for Friday.. On a Thursday Night...

Hello Peeps. It's been a while. Here are my favs. One thing not on my list of fun stuff is wedding planning off of Pinterest. ;)

1. New lipgloss. And mascara. And eyeshadow.... I once read somewhere that old makeup can cause cancer. So, I threw away and bought new. :)

2. 8 MORE DAYS OF CRAZY TOWN (aka "The Range"). Also, no more 5 day work weeks the rest of the year!!!  Summer, I can hear you! I am coming for you!
This is me, saying W-O-W. Get it? Thanks Milessa.

3. The Beautiful Mess ap for Instagram. Thanks Katie B. I am now obsessed!

4. It's been sunny lately. I have been distracted while driving. Bling. Bling. Never gets old.

5. Setting a wedding date which I will not release to the public until after next week. Prince Morrison and I need to schedule the press conference with our people. Plus, the Queen has her knickers in a wad because we are more of a big deal than that "other" wedding a few years ago. Psh..

Other than that.. Cheers to the freaking weekend. I thought you would NEVER get here.

Longest.stressful.insane in the membrane. week. ever. Pray

I hope you like the new look. I was feeling crafty because it's just my style. #shescrafty.


Monday, May 6, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things...

You all know that I am in this forever quest of positive thinking and focusing on what is important. Just call me Positive Penny! ;) Not so much this weekend.

I reeeaaallllyyyyy want to be perfect. I really do. I'm not. Really. 

I have been very... dare I say.. emotional? I think that being sick on top of everything settling in with the amazing news in my life is all just coming at me. I am a classic worrier. I just want to be in control and know exactly what is going to happen and not tell anyone why I am upset or scared or anxious. People, you should just know. (I said this in my sarcastic tone and face)

I am not very happy with my reactions to things sometimes or my thought process. So, after a couple sleepless nights (thank you, Sinus Infection from Hell) I decided, it's broke. Fix it. If I don't like the way I feel, change it. So, that's what I am going to do.

Starting with me. 

I was reading one my favorite blogs and she was forced to make a list of everything that is good about her, her life, and a second list of what she is looking forward to... Oh no. Looking forward? See, that is a toughie for Ms. Meredith. Looking ahead got me in trouble. Newsflash, Craig (shout out to SNL) your life is not the same. You can and should look forward. So, I took said bloggers advice and The Queen of Lists did her thing.  Here are a few of my faaaavoorrrite things. 

1. I like the way I write the letter M. 
2. I like the way my students miss me when I am not there.
3. I like the way that I bust a random move. Usually in hallways. Near Kindergarten. Just sayin'.
4. I like my Anchor Charting skills. I make a meeeeaaannnn anchor chart.
5. I like how I make a bed.
6. I like my sarcasm. (Not self-depreciating)
7. I am looking forward to having a marriage more beautiful than my wedding.
8. Having someone to come home to and vice versa.
9. I look forward to lots of Photography sessions this summer.
10. I look forward to gaining an amazing new family.
11. Nieces. 
12. I am looking forward to finally closing a dark chapter in my life and not looking back. 
13. I like how I free-style. You should have heard my KTIP rap.
14. Spending the summer surrounded by amazing people.
15. I like the way I don't quit.

So, yeah. That's all I got right now. There was one more thing but I am keeping that for myself. Have a good week and thank you for reading my crazy.


*random thought.. my new initials with be 3 M's.*