Monday, July 22, 2013

Travelin' Fool...

Shew! What a past few weeks I have had! Crazy from start to finish! I laugh at anyone who thought I would actually relax this summer! I have a feeling (bc I am positive) that it will be even crazier the next few weeks.

Before school ended last year, I was asked if I would like to go to Vegas for a conference on "Differentiated Instruction". All I heard with about 12 days of school left was "Do you want to go to Vegas?" The conference part didn't even register. I jumped at the chance and I am SO glad I went. It was a wonderful trip with some great ladies. I learned so many teaching strategies, started a Twitter page for my class to tweet with other 4th grades across the country (mm4thgraders), gambled, had amazing meals, lost my future children's college funds (sorry kids, Mommy likes roulette), and most of all I connected with my co-workers on a deep level.  It was so much fun and just enough time away. Oh yeah, I saw Dave Coullier from Full House!

I had a great time. I am REALLY excited to announce that I am going to Florida in 11 days. I am so thankful to Jason's Parents for asking us to come. I think with everything we have going on (I hope to let you know about some BIG changes soon!) a vacation with sun, sand, family, and each other (away from Louisville) is just what the Love Doctor ordered. ;)

I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky to be gaining such an amazing family. They have been so accepting. I just love them so much. I mean, come on, they gave me Jason. lol

I hope you all have a great week! Rain stay AWAY!!

One more thing... How flipping adorable is this sweet angel??!! I wanted to squeeze him for hours. Even in this Kentucky heat and humidity!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Busy as a bee..

Happy July 4th!! What a yucktastic day for food and fireworks! I am in full summer mode! Photos and wedding planning have taken over my life! I am trying to sneak in some time to just relax but it is hard with all the great things coming up in the near future.

Wedding: We have a date 3-22-14. We have the church: St. Luke's in Anchorage. We have an idea for a reception: Not saying until I speak to them on Monday. I have...a..photographer: Studio E. I have an idea of what I am looking for and want in terms of a theme and I couldn't be more excited. I think it will be a lot of fun and I am so excited. What I am most excited about is finding someone who makes me laugh when I am stressed and being mean and loves me anyway.

I think it is so funny because last 4th of July, surrounded by some fun people and good times, I protested that I will NEVER get re-married. I would say it was because what I wanted just didn' exist and I wasn't going to settle. Meeting Jason changed everything. Jason really is everything I have ever wanted and could ever have wished for and I cannot wait to be his wife. 261 days.. His fate is sealed.. Woo-hahahahaha (evil laugh).

Photos: I never imagined that when I bought my camera 3 years ago that it would turn into what it has and I am so blessed, so content, and love what I do. Summer is a busy time of year but it is a great second source of income and really calms me. I love taking pictures of my friends, new friends, and making their memories last forever. I have had a TON of sessions where I literally speed home because I cannot wait to get my hands on those pictures!!! **Sorry Officer, have you seen this evening light???**

House: This has been a big stress for us lately. Just waiting for the condo to sell and living out of a bag between my Parent's and Jason's is... annoying but it WILL all work out. I bought some stuff to spruce the condo up (less bachelor pad lol) and a St. Joseph statue to bury somewhere. I am so ready for us to be in the same space, painting and wallpaper removing, settled.... Ahh... I just can't wait. We need to just let go of it and worry about what we have control over. We are doing what we can and the right buyer just needs to come along.

That is all I have right now. Back to editing. :)

Take care and have a great 4th of July!
