Ahh!! Spring Break! I can't believe I made it to this point and that it's half way through. I could really get used to this whole lifestyle! I have been having a really fun week off so far that included a road trip to Indy to watch one of the most amazing college basketball games in history!, taking photos of some adorable children, getting caught up on work, and cooking. The best part was that I was in a kitchen, alone, quiet, peace, calm... Most people I know find cooking stressful and too fussy. Not me, I find it the opposite. It is actually relaxing to me and as I was chopping and multi-tasking, I just felt completely at ease. Yesterday was.... well, it was strange but it ended the way it should. With my favorite person, doing what I love to do, and in a secure place. I was the definition of happy. I am allowing myself more and more slack to embrace being happy. Happy is as happy does. Right? ;)
This post is short but I don't have a lot to say. Those of you on Spring Break, enjoy your last few days! Also.... GO CARDS! :)
Enjoy your week and do something that makes you happy!
Here are some photos from the break. :)
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