Monday, April 29, 2013


This is a blog post I never thought I would write. Well, any time SOON, anyway.  I am engaged.

I am getting married. Holy cow.

I am so happy I feel like one of my students who cannot focus on anything I say. I am on top of the world. I also did not see this coming. (Well played, Boo. Well.Played.)

My close friends know how I feel about Jason. They know I love him more than anything and I have known for a long time I could see us heading this way but I just couldn't allow myself to go there fully. Almost like, "If I put it out there, it won't ever happen." I have been a ball of nerves, stress, and anxiety the past few months with work and other personal items, that I just couldn't let my guard down. I have been pretty much unbearable and the fact that this man loved me through it... Makes me melt into a ball of mushy love sickness. I am normally a very fun, positive, and hilarious (modest) person. Not so much thank you KTIP.

I have a confession to make. I know what has been weighing me down besides the everyday life stuff and I haven't told a soul... I am making the sour face. I am saying "Don'"...

I felt this void for a very long time. I think I just felt displaced and almost homeless. I know my Parents will always be home. Heck, my Mom and Dad would let me live here forever. It is home but it's not my home. I realized something about two weeks ago. Jason is my home. I feel like all is right with the world when we are together and really, that's all that matters. The other stuff, will fall into place.

Everything that I lost before, I have found. The truth is.. I never even had it to begin with and now I fell so at ease, so peaceful, and so happy. It is truly remarkable how one small choice to talk to someone changed the course of my life. A joke turned into something truly remarkable and I am so thankful for second chances.

Now, I shall tell you the story. You have to understand, I don't remember a whole lot of what happened since I mean, not joking. NO WHERE.

He wanted to go the restaurant where we went on our first date. The deal is, we go there every now and then so it didn't throw me off. We get out of the car and he says he needs some "air." *Cue trail where I take photos right by us. * We go for a walk. He says nice things to me. I, of course, play everything off like, "Yeah, yeah, that's nice but Ms. Mooney needs a gin and tonic after the full moon of crazies she dealt  with today..." We get to a nice bridge, he asks to take my picture and I say no, I see a deer and get ADD, I turn around and he's on his knee. I literally had an outer body experience. I don't think I could have had a better proposal, man, and new chapter of my life to start. I am so excited and lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky, pants. Right here.

That is all for tonight. The Report Card Fairy is not doing her job...

I want to thank those of you who read this and comment or send me messages or just care. I also got a ton of messages from people who went through similar situations as I did in my past and they gave me so much encouragement and success stories. Good stuff.

Have a great week! I don't know how you could top mine! :)



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