Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's been TOO long!

Hello Darlings!

I hope this post finds you all well rested and calm. All things I am not at the moment! It is to be expected this time of the year! Back to school and dare I say it out loud.. moving! Yes, we are officially moving in OUR house this week. I am so flipping excited and ready for this new chapter in our lives but man is it craziness. We are buying Jason's Grandparents home and it is beautiful. The neighbors are great, the house is precious (minus wallpaper but it can be removed and painted! :) , and I am just a little school girl with my gushy love-ness that I get to wake up to the face I love so much.

I have to tell you, this has taken me a long time to feel good about for so many reasons. I am such a worry-wart. I am really working on letting it go and focusing on the good stuff. School starts on Tuesday. Last year my life was so different. I was excited and ready to start my career. I never thought that the best thing that ever happened to me would come along. He did, his family did, his friends did, and I am just so lucky.

I will blog a better post soon. I am just exhausted but I wanted to share my excitement and big news. I am finally going to have a home. The even better thing is.. I will share it with my best friend.

*who am i?* LOL

I wanted to share a few things. In photos.

1. My super cute new flag from Etsy shop:

2. We went to Florida with Jason's family. It was amazing from start to finish. 
We had engagement pics taken by my new long distance BFF Emerald Coast Images.

3. My classroom looks AWESOME!!! I am so proud. Year 2 is already off to a great start. We also have a new team member and she's a rockstar already. The vibe is amazing and our kids are going to be amazing!!

I am going to go now for real. I need to work on editing pics and lesson plans! For my birthday I would like more time or 2 of me! :)

Have a great week! 



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