Thursday, May 23, 2013

High 5 for Friday.. On a Thursday Night...

Hello Peeps. It's been a while. Here are my favs. One thing not on my list of fun stuff is wedding planning off of Pinterest. ;)

1. New lipgloss. And mascara. And eyeshadow.... I once read somewhere that old makeup can cause cancer. So, I threw away and bought new. :)

2. 8 MORE DAYS OF CRAZY TOWN (aka "The Range"). Also, no more 5 day work weeks the rest of the year!!!  Summer, I can hear you! I am coming for you!
This is me, saying W-O-W. Get it? Thanks Milessa.

3. The Beautiful Mess ap for Instagram. Thanks Katie B. I am now obsessed!

4. It's been sunny lately. I have been distracted while driving. Bling. Bling. Never gets old.

5. Setting a wedding date which I will not release to the public until after next week. Prince Morrison and I need to schedule the press conference with our people. Plus, the Queen has her knickers in a wad because we are more of a big deal than that "other" wedding a few years ago. Psh..

Other than that.. Cheers to the freaking weekend. I thought you would NEVER get here.

Longest.stressful.insane in the membrane. week. ever. Pray

I hope you like the new look. I was feeling crafty because it's just my style. #shescrafty.



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